Fidel and his appraisal about the role of science
Since the triumph of the Revolution, Fidel Castro highlighted the role of science and the work of scientists in Cuba. He referred to this at an event on the celebration of the twentieth anniversary of the Cuban Speleology Society that took place in Havana, in the Cuban Academy of Sciences.
He emphasized the presence of Doctor Antonio Nuñez Jímenez, one of the founders of the Cuban Speleology Society and also a member of the Rebel Army ( Ejército Rebelde), also of Doctor Emilio Roig de Leuchsenring, Head of the Historian Office of Havana, who he described as a real master of our history who has written about the history of all the efforts made by our nation for more than a century.
Fidel remarked about the role of history:
History itself teaches us that we have just emerged from a stage of struggle to go into a new one, that we have made a step forward but we need to continue struggling in order to keep up all the work done and continue moving forward.
In his speech, Fidel also stated that after the triumph of the Revolution, either scientists or artists have had the ideal scenario to develop their full potentials in search of truth and good.
He claimed that in the new, truly free homeland, scientists and researchers have all the opportunities; above all, the great opportunity of benefiting the people and the homeland from each and every effort they make. He encouraged the training of new speleologists and to awake young people´s interests so that they may research, learn and get trained.
Then he went on saying that “ to identify young people, to identify the people with their homeland is to identify them with the Revolution, to identify them with justice. It is to identify them with their fate, which is precisely the fate of people who are eager to work and enjoy the scenario and wealth of the country they live in.”
It was in this context when Fidel assured that the future of our country has to be a future of men of sciences; it has to be a future of men of thinking because “ it is precisely opportunities for intelligence what we are harvesting.”
Cuba can exhibit the development that has been reached in this vital sector. In the country, there is a considerable number of institutions which are carrying out a significant work. They are developing outstanding research programs, vaccines and other products which have won recognition for their valuable contributions, either in the national or the international ambit.
In the year 2000 and in the early months of 2021, it has been demonstrated that Cuba, like the whole world, has had to fight the pandemic effects due to the impact of Covid -19.
The Cuban Government , with direct participation of Miguel Díaz Canel Bermúdez, President of the Republic of Cuba, and Prime Minister Manuel Marrero Cruz, have held fruitful meetings with directives and scientists from different institutions to discuss issues related to the current situation and the development of the different branches of science in the country. In relation to the pandemic situation it can be said that at present, Cuba counts on five vaccine candidates, among which Soberana 02 can be mentioned, which has already started Phase II of its tests in the Cuban population.
It can be pointed out that the situation of science in Cuba at present corresponds to what Leader of the Revolution, Commander Fidel Castro had foreseen when he stated that the future of Cuba had to be a country of men of science.
He also said: “ Cuba needs men of thinking, above all, men of clear thinking; not only men who have accumulated knowledge, but basically men who may share this knowledge to do good, for justice, for the country because we are living times in which the role of thinking has to be exceptional, because only thinking can lead peoples in times of big transformations and challenges like those our people are carrying out and encountering.”
Key words: Fidel Castro, Revolution, Cuba and science