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Fecha: 21/02/2019


One of the cultural institutions that has contributed most to the development of the culture of the Latin American region and the relationship between artists and writers has been the Casa de las Américas, which is based in Havana.
The House of the Americas was the first cultural institution of international projection created in Cuba after the triumph of the Revolution.
Founded on April 28, 1959, Casa de las Américas is located on Third Street and Avenida de los Presidentes in Vedado.
It has had as premise to propitiate that the Cuban people know the cultural manifestations of the rest of the peoples that make up what the Cuban National Hero, José Martí, will surely qualify as Our America.
Its founding director was the Heroine del Moncada Haydée Santamaría. The House of the Americas has annually organized a literary contest that enjoys great prestige internationally.
This is the "Casa" Prize, which covers various literary genres and has also included special prizes for certain anniversaries of events of great significance or death of important personalities of Our America.

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