
Amount of key words: 965

She was born in Pinar del Rio in 1886 and her parents came to Havana a year after. She was one of the most interesting figures of the Cuban vernacular theater. She performed different characters such as: maids, guajiras (Cuban word used to name women from the country side), mulatas (mixed race), fools, and refined or not, black women. She performed in the country and went on tours in Mexico, Puerto Rico, Tampa and New York, in United States. She died in Havana on December 29th, 1966 few hours after her last performance.

Born June 24, 1855 in Havana. Son of the Asturian Alfonso Álvarez and Cecilia Gamba, born in Havana. He was one of the eight medical students shot on November 27, 1871 by the Spanish troops.

It is the main town in the municipality having the same name and is located in the province of Artemisia. Its name is due to the last name of its founder, the captain Sancho de Alquízar.


It is also known as South America in the austral subcontinent of America. It is crossed by the equatorial line in the north, so most of its land is in the south hemisphere. This region includes twelve countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Perú, Surinam, Uruguay and Venezuela.

He was born in Havana on June 7, 1851. He was one of the eight medical students shot on November 27, 1871 by Spanish troops.