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Adolfo Guzmán was born in Havana on May 13th, 1920. He was one of the most relevant figures of the Cuban music in the twenty century. He was one of the most complete musicians in our country as he was an excellent pianist, with a refined technique, arranger, conductor, magnificent composer and a   prestigious conductor. He was very talented and extraordinarily creative; he composed several notorious works full of sensitivity and elegance.

It was founded on May 21, 1974. On November 4, 2015, a change in its official name was announced and it was identified as Agencia Cubana de Noticias (ACN). It provides cable news services 24 hours a day every day in Spanish and other languages.


It is a Latin American news agency that began broadcasting on June 16, 1959. It is headquartered in Havana and has correspondents in different parts of the world. It emerged under the influence of the triumphant Cuban Revolution and one of its main promoters was Commander Ernesto Che Guevara. Among its essential objectives has been to divulge the reality of Latin America peoples, of Cuba in particular and of everything transcendental that may happen in the world. Its founding director was Argentinian journalist Jorge Ricardo Massetti, who in 1958 had been in the Sierra Maestra and interviewed Fidel Castro and Ernesto Che Guevara, respectively, during the revolutionary struggle in Cuba.

She was born in Havana on December 21, 1924. She was a pianist and composer, founder and director of the Cuarteto D Aida, a group that in the 1960s became one of the essential members of the song movement known as feeling. She was baptized by the nickname of La Gorda de Oro.  She died in Havana on October 28, 1973.