of my Havana

of my Havana

Carmen Solar, a prestigious actress and program director, has contributed to the development of radio in Cuba through several decades with her constant energy, her smile and the brilliance of her talent.
Lázaro Peña was described as a teacher of trade union cadres and Captain of the Cuban working class, who served for several years, and in different periods, as the General Secretary of the Central de Trabajadores de Cuba.
This May 28 marks the 65th anniversary of an important event in our history.
On April 16, 1961, while speaking at the mourning farewell ceremony for those who had fallen as a result of an artful attack by planes from abroad on several Cuban military airports, Commander in Chief Fidel Castro proclaimed the socialist character of the Cuban Revolution.
This March 14 marks the 130th anniversary of the publication of the first issue of the newspaper "Patria" which was created by José Martí as part of the work he was doing to achieve the resumption of the war for the independence of Cuba and to contribute to that of Puerto Rico.
This March 13 marks the 65th anniversary of the assault on the Presidential Palace and the occupation of the Radio Reloj radio station in Havana.
On March 8, 1931, International Women's Day was celebrated for the first time in Cuba. The event took place at the Centro Obrero in Havana, although it did not conclude because the police intervened and dissolved those present.
On March 5, 1960, in the act of farewell mourning for the victims of the sabotage of the French ship La Coubre, which took place the day before in the port area of Havana, Fidel made clear in a brief but significant phrase, the determination of the Cuban people to defend the Revolution at whatever cost was necessary.
On March 4, 1960, a group of members of the Revolutionary Armed Forces together with dock workers, with all the required precautions, worked on a dock in the Cuban capital to unload the French ship La Coubre, which was bringing to the country rifles and other materials that would serve to strengthen the defense of Cuba in the face of the growing threats and actions carried out by the United States government to try to destroy the Revolution. At a certain moment a strong explosion shook Havana.
Born on February 17, 1927 in Havana, the Commander of the Revolution Juan Almeida Bosque became a prestigious fighter and revolutionary leader.